
e man

Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I was treating a Bala for Whitespots (a little unsure if that was the cause of illness).  The Bala's condition got neither better or worse w/ a med. for "whitespots".  So I went and got this MelaFix, it's marketed as some kinda miracle, cure all, universal antiodote.  After giving Melafix on the 4th day the bala died later that day.  Has anyone had any success with this product?  MelaFix's claims are pretty flattering, it didn't work out for me but I'd like someone else's feedback anyway.  Please, e.mail me.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
MelaFix is suppose to be a natural "Anti-Biotic" treatment. If you had "whitespot disease" or "ICK", it should have been treated with an ick treatment, such as Jungle Quick Ick Cure, which my local fish wholesaler says is the best, not MelaFix. I not saying that MelaFix doesn't work, but that was the wrong medication for the disease. But, he does recommends an anti-biotic with ick cure to prevent secondary bacterial infections which the fish are susceptible to while treating for ick. If you are treating scaleless fish (loaches, plecos, etc.,), use half dosage of ick treatments. They very sensitive to dye ick treatments. Coppersafe is an alternative, but not as quick to killing off ick.  *thumbsup2*

e man

Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I had used ContraIck 80.  It didn't help so I figured it may not of been Ick.  The Bala had a large white area, it wasn't "spots".  In any case it seems I'm having a mini epidemic.  I've lost two tetras for no visible reason?  It's annoying because I haven't lost a fish in 8 months.  Now it's 3 in a week.  Any advice would be appreciated.  I've moved a bunch of fish to a new aquarium as a precaution.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've never had any problems with Melafix, but it is an anti-bacterial, it's not going to treat against parasitic protozoans.  Personally I find Quick Cure to be the best stuff against Ich. It's a malachite green/formaldehyde combination that usually clears up light ich infection within five to seven days of treatment. Quick cure might be irritating to scaleless fish.

I primarily use Melafix for fin rot, or as just a gernal "tonic" during a water change. It makes the water smell somewhat, and I think it is a good smell, but my manager feels it is a turpintine smell *shrug* and he doesn't like it.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
As for your "mini-epidemic", I had recently lost fish in an established aquarium, 74 to be exact, in 6-10 hours. I rescued only 3 fish. 1 Danio Zebra, 1 Dwarf Blue Gourami, & 1 Rainbow Shark. They seem to have come down with a serious case of gill flukes. They were treated in a separate tank with Furan-2, Ick Cure & medicated food pellets crushed. Ever since that, my new setup uses a canister filter with a UV sterilizer on the output side. The UV sterilizer was added due to an Ick outbreak 1 month after setting up new tank. Plus, I found new born hatched zebras free swimming on the surface. Haven't had anything happen since. I also keep an eye on the temperature of the tank. Make sure it doesn't fluctuate. I keep mine at the highest temperature range my fish usually live in. This keeps there appetite & there metabolism up . But it does speed up there life cycle, so they don't live as long either if keep up for too long.  If your worried about the whole community tank, you can add Coppersafe from Mardel Labs to the whole tank just to be safe. I've also used it before, its not as potent at killing diseases quickly, but to me it doesn't shock your tank either. Some plants will be affected by it though. Remember to remove the carbon from your filter, so you don't remove the medicine from the water. *crazysmiley*