Messed up again


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I bought another power head for the tank for a tad more water movement. The problem, I pointed it down to get water movement along the back wall of the tank and into the live rock caves. Everything was fine for a day or two then the zoas and polyps weren't opening up, this other soft coral I have started shrinking and my devils hand shrink up. I am guessing that the power head stirred up the sand bed and that is my problem. I did a water change today to see if that helps and will do another one Sunday. On a good note, the new skimmer ig kicking %&**.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I don't have an ammonia test kit, but thats what I am thinking is wrong. The zoas are there a tad bit smaller and some are open part of the way. I am hoping the water change will help. The thing that makes me kinda upset, I want to have an SPS tank and I keep doing stupid things like this. I just need to slow my brain down and think things thru a few times before I do anything when it comes to the tank.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
its trial and error! some times it takes mistakes to figure out the right way to do things! thats why people dont usually start with an all out SPS tank.... like i said before tho your on the right track... just make sure you have all the test kits and know when to test for what and how to correct the problem and your good to go!