MFT Profiles

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I posted this in the FW section, but i know how the Salties tend to be loners so i thought i'd post this here as well.

Just a reminder, to anyone that has any pictures or total profiles they would like to see added to the current profiles just shoot them over to me via PM or Email and i'll get them up. Full credit can and will be given to the photographer if you would like.

We are always trying to expand our knowledge base and a lot of our profiles are without pictures. If you have any that fit that profiles and are YOUR own pictures and don't mind MFT using them let me know! Trying to fill blank spots!

Also, finished profiles. If you want to write up a profile do it! We will be glad to look it over and make any necessary changes or suggestions to make it suitable for the profile section. If you do this try and follow the format already posted on the others. Any fish, plants, freshwater, saltwater...all are welcome!

Our saltwater side is lacking! Fish and coral alike!

My email -

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Bump. Got 1 FW profile and some pics keep sending them people! I'm trying to get the MFT community involved. We always like your feedback on the profiles. If you see a mistake or a questionable piece of info, let us know! We want to put the best out there.

I think i'm going to start working on our coral profiles next, they seem to be lacking. As many of you know i am fairly new to SW (1-2 years) so please if you see a mistake in these let me know.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
So i've been thinking and wanted to know, how advanced and in depth would you like to see the profiles, specifically coral. Since you, the users of MFT will be the ones using it i wanted to get your take instead of just doing it.

Right now its like Acanthastrea (Acanthastrea sp.). Well theres different types of Acans, do we want to show this or just state this? Same with Acros, brains, etc. Like you have Acanthastrea Echinata, Acanthastrea lordhowensis, etc.

I think colorforms are fine grouped as one, but types? I don't know, just wandering thoughts. Anyone have an opinion?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well here are my .02 ..... I think you need the genus then species as there are various and differing care requirements for each. I think color morphs should be grouped together .....does this make sense?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I think it depends on the coral. Acros, for example, have a wide range of care requirements so those would warrant different profiles. I believe Acanthastrea are pretty similar across the board so maybe just one profile with pictures or notes on specific color forms.