MH or T-5HO


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
depends really.... with T5 you can get some crazy bulb combos for sick colors but no shimmer... with MH you get plenty of PAR and the nice shimmer but than you have to consider heat issues you may have


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
If thinking of this light fixture look into the light brackets that they sell to suspend the light over the tank as this fixture is very very heavy and you will need to raise or lower it to work on the tank.......just my 2 cents worth.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
One problem with T5s is the length. If the tank is 72", you'd need to get two 36" fixtures.

We went for T5, mostly for the power consumption, heat issue and bulb options. It's a tricky decision, though. I don't think one is necessarily better than another for all people or situations.

As Lorna says, think about how you'll access the tank, too.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
Are all T5's created equal? Is it better to have a higher wattage, etc. depending on the depth of your tank what's in it? I've been struggling on a lighting decision myself.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If you want to go T5, you definitely need to get the right fixture. A lot of that will depend on the tank size and the types of corals you want to keep.

We got an 8 x 54 watt fixture for our 110g tank. I doubt you'd want to go fewer than six bulbs on medium to large tanks.

Also, individual reflectors make a big difference.

Take the time to make sure you know what you want for a fixture and the bulb mix before you put any money down. We're always willing to give advice on our experiences with various fixtures. It's one thing you need to research thoroughly so you spend your money wisely.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
:D I appreciate it! Well I really want just the bubble anemone for now. I know I am DEF not ready for a reef tank! If I get any corals, they will be just a few, if any. The light I was looking at stretches all the way across my 55 gal. and has 2 bulbs in it with reflectors in both. I just wanted something that would be good for my anem and for my fishy friends! But I'm taking TRe's advice and buying the calcuim test kit this Fri. too along with some green algae for my coral beauty, puffer, etc. Oh yeah, I did order some eel grass from ebay. I figured that would be ok in there. And I have about 17 lbs. more live rock coming in this week as well. I have some ployps that were already on a piece of rock I got from my ebay supplier that a few are still alive, I'm hoping a more adaquate light source will help those little guys. The light I've got will be here Fri. It was like $180!


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
Ahhh! Btw, I tested again last night my amm. is down from 1.0 to 0.25 in 2 days. I was thinking of getting something to treat the water to help take some of it out. The rock should be here Wed. or so. U think if it spiked it would be fine by Sat. or even Sun.? The shop won't mind keeping my bubble for me until it straightens out. I was going to do a 10-15% water change this weekend. I figure after that so long of not doing one, it can't hurt!


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
Well my nitrates level spiked, so I got a treatment for that today. I exchanged the skimmer I had for one in great condition that fits into my sump. :D It's up and running and already collecting foam. (no suprise!) The store is keeping my bubble for me and taught me today how to treat this rock I have coming in i.e. dead life via travel, set it up in a bucket w/ air pump, etc., do water changes,etc. until Ammonia reads 0 before I add it to my tank. I got my new light today! It's awesome, better than the last. Solarmax XO, LED moonlights, light amp. reflectors, independent lamp control, 1 T5 10,000K daylamp, 1 T5 Actinic lamp. Solarmax output. For simple ployps and a bubble tip does that sound ok to you? It's a 48' light, 55 gal. tank. She told me today if I want more advanced coral I would need another light but for the bubble and a few ployps it would be ok. Got the calcium test today too. I'm listening to ya, TRe! :cool:


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
2 bulbs isnt going to cut it! maybe temperary for the polyps and stuff like that but anemones arnt a "simple coral" :p read the sticky at the top of the forum about them

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I ended up getting the 3 x 250w halide fixture, used for 2 months got a pretty good deal on it from the guy I got my tank from, it has 3 Ushio 20k bulbs that he said I should get another 6 mos out of, he suggested that I move the stuff in my tank down so it doesn't get burnt while adjusting to the new light is there a way around this, my shrooms and zoas are grown into rocks and it would be a real pita to move it all down and my frogspawn and candy cane are epoxy'd. Also would it be overkill to put all actinics in my PC and use it too? Thanks for any input


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I need to re- read sticky's post! It's Instant Ocean Natural Nitate remover. Hopefully the new skimmer & 20% water change this wknd then normal testing/ water changes from this point out will be okay!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
start you new lights @ only like 4 hrs a day for like 4-5days and increase it by an hr... keep doing this till you back to normal and the corals should be fine


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
Damn it! I added essential ele., calcium and reef accelator since u psted that! My O is gone btw so if I miss one sry! But my tests are staying the same, .025. I have my bubble, he seems ok. I put my rock in what I plan to be my hosp. tank. it's testing 2.0 and higher! I put some of my live sand, water, etc. into it to keep the life alive and speed it along. No good lights, just freashwaters but I fig. in a month or so if I keep testing and adding calc., reef accelator, essential ele, and doing water changes, it's still better than me putting hald dead live rock in my tank! If buying live rock online and incurring shipping, I def. learned it take work! XP