:( midnight's depressed

Dec 8, 2004
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i had to separate a female betta from the other three in my 10 gallon because she was getting picked on- i think she's depressed that i put her into a vase. she was excited at first and then her dorsal clamped when she figure out how much her space was limited. how long will it take her tail to heal? my other betta practically ripped her tail in half and there's chunks missing.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Ummm... if you put her back with the other females, they'll just pick on her again. Especially because she'd be new coming back now (invading their territories).

Her tail should grow back most of the way fairly quickly. If you have some Melafix, you can use that to help it regrow quicker. After my female betta got beaten up by two other females I added, I took them out and added Melafix to the water. She looked pretty good after 2 weeks. The torn edges of the fins kind of round out, now they just need to get back to their normal length.

Dec 8, 2004
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yah- im using melafix on her. it's growing back REALLY fast. i think what i'm actually going to do (let me know if this is wrong) is to remove the two aggressive ones from the 10 gallon and give them vases for a few weeks, and at the same time, i'll put midnight back in with alyssa (the smaller one who only defends herself- never attacks) then i'll add autumn (the less aggressive of the two aggressive ones) and then emma? would that be ok? i don't want to keep midnight in a vase forever.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Sounds like a good plan AdagioLove. I have never successfully kept bettas, but it makes sense to me, allowing the "weaker" fish to establish themselves first. Sometimes size is all that matters though...

sounds like a really good idea to me also, how big is the tank they are in? i wish someone sold female bettas in my area :( and i know what you mean by them jumping out of the water, yesterday when i was feeding my fish blood worms one of my angels jumped half way out of the water and splashed me and some of the filter and the angels are constantly sticking their mouths about 1cm above the water to get the blood worms first.

Dec 8, 2004
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okie- emma's out, midnight's back in, emma's REALLY pissed. she's going nuts in that vase. midnight looks like she has a white spot on her mouth which really scared me at first, but it's not fuzzy, and it looks like it's actually a part of her mouth... i guess i'll just keep an eye on that one. her tail looks good now

Dec 8, 2004
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UPDATE: emma will NEVER go back in that ten gallon. I floated her in the water in a bag for a little while, and then let her out. the second she got out she made a new hole in everyone else's tails. i watched her for 2 days, and she didn't get nicer. so i set up a big 2 gallon vase/bowl looking thing for her, and i'll just steal a plant (since the plants were put in so the others could hide from her) from the 10 gallon and some gravel, and that'll be that.