Million Dollar Question regarding my stock


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
ok so for those of you who have been advising me along the way thank you!

still working to reduce the stock levels in my tank.. hopefully my local store will get back to me and say they will be nice and take all that im looking to get rid off.. that includes my 2 blue gouramis' 1 of my rainbow sharks, female betta, my 7 platys, 4 beacons and 2 tin foil barbs.

that will be me 17 fish lighter waheyy.... haha should help matters..

now what i want to know is...... should i stop there??

i want 2 get another 2 little clown loaches to join my current 2 small 1s i have.. just to make a little group of them and they can all live in a coconut on the other side of the tank that they have moved into and let the kribs have the castle.. (love the kribs behaviour and how he protects the female at all times watching and patrolling)

and possibly 2 more jullii cory's to make me 4.. since they are not even an inch big that wouldnt make a great deal to the tank chemistry would it??

if my store takes the fish ive asked them about i could pick the new 1s up while im there..

what do you think?? advice??
then i think i will let my stock grow as nature intended from there and hold fire for a while on adding any new residents.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The problem with keeping your "little" clown loaches (and adding more) is that they won't stay little. They reach about 12" in length by the time they're done growing. With four of them in there, they'll pretty much take up your whole tank.

Didn't you have a common pleco as well? That's another one that will outgrow your tank in a jiffy.

If it were me, I would ditch the clown loaches and the pleco along with the rest you listed, and then round out your school of cories to about 6 or so (you could potentially have more since you have such a long tank).

Could you do a favor and post what fish you'll be keeping?


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
Heck, if you lived near me I would take your female betta. I was going to turn the tank that I am planning on redecorating into a girl betta/ snail home. :)


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
I am planning on keeping 1 rainbow shark, my pair of kribs, 5 zebra danios, 6 black skirts, 2 corys, male betta, hes a cool customer, my 2 mollies, 2 clown loaches and pleco. I wana keep my clowns as I will hav a new tank wen I move house with the intention of them going in there. Got time on my hands with them, and my pleco. If I can find some of the smaller 1s to take his place I would be open to letting him go aswell. I seen 1 in the shop at least a foot long. Insane.
Any other recommendations that would suit?

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I would definitely get rid of the clown loaches and pleco, as bass said. I would stock the tank lightly until you get a bigger tank. As you are not getting the tank right away, you can always buy new clown loaches or a new pleco for your new tank. They will endanger your other fish if you keep them in the 30 gallon. Since those species are very large (even if they are small now), they will produce a lot of waste and ammonia can spike, harming your other fish.
Do you own a liquid test kit to test for nitrite, nitrate and ammonia? If not, you must buy one. Test kits are as essential to fish-keeping as the tank itself.
I would also personally get rid of both rainbow sharks. The shark/minnow experts can give more advice in that department.