Mini Bow 5-Gallon for a Betta

Mar 24, 2006
I have a female Betta in a tiny community tank with Danios, and Tetras. She seemed alright at first (I've now had her a month), but now I'm noticing more and more of my poor Danios and Tetras with tattered fins - so I'm going to break down and by her an individual tank.

Does anyone currently use a 5-gallon mini bow aquarium? Or the similar 2.5 gallon? What do you heat them with, or do you just keep the light on until bed time? What about filtration too?

I'm going to Wal-Mart & Petco tomorrow to hopefully get this stuff. Any replies would be helpful!

i have a minibow 2.5 for my male betta. he seems to like it. he makes bubble nests all the time. i heat it with a 25 watt theo. you can adjust temp, and it goes off automatically when the temperature specified is reached. now, if i think about it, i would have liked the 5 gallon one more. i would go with that one. you'll be glad you did.

Mar 24, 2006
Thanks everybody for the suggestions with filters and heaters. I'm currently sticking with the filter given with the set - at first it was going way too fast, but I found a slider on the back to adjust the volume. I'm hopefully going to upgrade once I get the funds for it. (I pretty much used all my money on the set up and heater). However it was worth it, she's much happier by herself and showing off some very vibrant colors.

Also my Betta is ...somewhat odd. For the month or so I've had her she's had flakes, then stopped eating them, Hikari Betta food, stopped eating that, and then I tried Bloodworms (freeze-dried). She ate them a couple of times, and now just spits them back out. Then I bought a snail to be her only tank buddy and "cleaning crew" and dropped in an algae disc. Right away she went and attacked the disc and ate whatever hunks she ripped off! She spit out some, but just because it was too much. So, I finally figured out what she was eating while in the 10 gallon.

Does anyone else have a Betta that eats algae discs? I'd like to feed her some more "meaty" type foods closer to a real diet, but she seems happy enough with the bottom-feeder food for now. Any suggestions?