Minnow's eye is bloodred, dunno Y!!

Jun 28, 2005
I noticed one day that my minnow's one eye looked slightly popped out. It wouldn't keep still for me to observe it closely. I figured out that its either its pop eye or eye cloud. So I used Melafix medicine acording to directions.
For two days it showed no results and today's my minnow's eye is bloodshot. I am wondering if she permanently lost it or its just a passing phase and I should continue with the treatment (its a 7 day treatment). Could the medicine have made it worse??
Will it kill her? I am worried if it might spread to the other fishes!!

I have a 10 gallon aquarium
2 catfish
1 minnow
4 tetras
1 baby algae eater.

I have had these fish for over 5 months and had no problem so far & have been doing regular water changes. All other fish look healthy & the minnow eats fine too.

Jun 28, 2005
Lotus said:
If it's one eye, it's most likely from an injury. Melafix is probably the best course of action. Don't get too freaked out if the eye falls out, it happens sometimes, and they will live quite happily with one eye.
Ok, then I will continue with the medicine. Its only one eye. But the thought of an eye falling off is a little creepy *SICK*
Thanx a bunch :)