
I have 5 mInnows in a new tank ... Have had ammonia probs but short lived which has resulted (I think) with one of them sporting a White kind of raised lump on his head. I have treated for fungus but it's still there.He seems unbothered by this and his fins are fine. Could anyone help here?? What should I do next ... Repeat fungus treatment??? Stef :)


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Could you post a picture of the lump?

I wouldn't treat again because you don't really know if it's caused by a fungus. Just keep the water very clean....water changes. If the lump was caused by ammonia then I don't think a fungus treatment would have any effect. The only way to treat ammonia is to cycle your tank (which it's doing on it's own) and changing the water often so that the ammonia levels do not become overwhelming. In my signature there is a link to doing an emergency cycle, which would be helpful to all your fish if you didn't cycle the tank prior to adding them.

If I was going to treat again then I would use Melafix, but I would wait on that.