Mirror Background


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have a piece of Plexiglas mirror I planned on using on the back of the aquarium. Does this mean I can't have a Betta in the tank? What about the other fish. I know when I had my aquarium years ago, I used on, but I can't remember if I had a Betta in the tank. First I had to literally remodel the house to fit the aquarium in and now I am finding this is a lot more complicated than it seemed to be 30 years ago! Thyra


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Thanks! Now I just have to wait until it stops raining to cut the Plexiglass - at this rate I may as well start building an ark! I understand the one male betta to a tank but did you put more than one female in with him?


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I would rethink the constant stress of a mirror on a territorial fish.

Just my 2cents.
I agree. He probably won't kill himself, but he'd also probably be happier without it.

Thanks! Now I just have to wait until it stops raining to cut the Plexiglass - at this rate I may as well start building an ark! I understand the one male betta to a tank but did you put more than one female in with him?
You can put more than one female, but you have to have atleast 5 or 6, not just like 2 or 3. I don't know from experience, but I've read you shouldn't keep a male and a female together unless its time for them to breed. It seems like males should just be kept one per tank no matter what.