Misbehaving Betta Fish


Small Fish
May 18, 2013
Yesterday I got a betta and two otto cats for my 10 gallon tank. I read from several sources and was told by the lfs employee that they should go well together. They were fine and just chilling around last nigh but this morning the betta was nipping at their tail fins. There's been no damage done so far that I can see but I'm not sure I like it very much.

Is this a sign that he'll become more aggressive? Should I replace him with something else? If so, what? Or is this just normal behavior and I'm worrying about it when I really shouldn't?


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Do you have plants/decor in this 10g? That should help everyone establish their own areas (so to speak) in the tank and allow the ottos to get out of sight if need be.

My experience with male bettas in a 10g is, they can get annoyed an nip at some tank mates, where others they leave alone.

My male bettas ignored fish like zebra danios and blood-fin tetras, where larger, slower moving fish they'd nip at from time to time.


Small Fish
May 18, 2013
Do you have plants/decor in this 10g? That should help everyone establish their own areas (so to speak) in the tank and allow the ottos to get out of sight if need be.

My experience with male bettas in a 10g is, they can get annoyed an nip at some tank mates, where others they leave alone.

My male bettas ignored fish like zebra danios and blood-fin tetras, where larger, slower moving fish they'd nip at from time to time.
Is it something to be worried about?

And yeah, I have decor. I'm pretty sure he's already claimed a cave on the opposite side of the tank from where the ottos like to hang out (no pun intended)


Behind the bubble chest on the left is where his cave is. You can't see it too well but it's there. The ottos like to stay near the filter on the right and the plants around it.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Oh yeah, that's plenty of hiding spaces and breaks in the fish's plane of vision.

FD, I hear you on the Siamese "fighting fish" thing, but by design, that's only against each other, male betta vs male betta. In a busy community tank, they'll normally just hang with the pack.

FWIW, I've got 4 female bettas in my 55g and they're a joy to watch.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
One of the problems I see is it sounds like a new tank and therefore probably doesn't have enough algae for the ottos. A tank should really be set up for a few months before ottos are added and when the ottos have something to attach to, they don't move around much and when they do move, its fast. Your betta is new to the tank too, and it will take him a few days to settle down, he has probably never had so much room and doesn't know what to do with it. I have a male betta in a couple of community tanks with ottos and other fish and have had no problems.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
And I agree with Joel, bettas are mostly aggressive with other male bettas and in that sense they are defending their territory. They don't go out looking for a fight. In nature their territory is actually really small. IME they get along well with other fish, but other fish can be aggressive to the bettas because of their tempting fins.


Small Fish
May 18, 2013
One of the problems I see is it sounds like a new tank and therefore probably doesn't have enough algae for the ottos. A tank should really be set up for a few months before ottos are added and when the ottos have something to attach to, they don't move around much and when they do move, its fast. Your betta is new to the tank too, and it will take him a few days to settle down, he has probably never had so much room and doesn't know what to do with it. I have a male betta in a couple of community tanks with ottos and other fish and have had no problems.
Will the ottos be fine if I make sure they always have at least a small part of an algae wafer in there? I really don't want to give them back to the store. I adore them.