misinformed? hermit crab

Jul 22, 2004
northern illinois
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me again;)
well here goes,,, i went and bought blue legged hermits and they just tiny little devils and the store says they will get about an inch,,, well here comes the question,,, if those are blue legged hermits then what is the little guy i have that has blue and black stripped legs and is about the size of a golf ball (in shell) and changes shells... i know, i know pictures help but until i get a digital camera i would like ya all to bear with me...


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
that is a neon (or electric) blue hermit...it is an algavor as well...your little guys will change shells too so you need to make sure they have some to move into...or they may start killing snails or each other for larger shells...I asked my LFS when i bought my hermits and they just gave me a handful of empties, but i am a very regular customer there and i've spent a lot of money in the past couple weeks...then again, sounds like you have too, so maybe you can get some shells too

Jul 22, 2004
northern illinois
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my lfs is like an hour away from me,,, so much for local,, i live in a town of 550 pple and everything is far away from me but next time im in there i will ask,, probably wont be for a week,, do you think that is ok?,, cause i really don't think they can lug around the shells that are in there..... and what is an algavor? does that mean it will eat my coral or my other crabs and snails? He hasn't seemed to harm anything as far as fish.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
im sure they will be fine for a while...basically, the hermits grow until they feel cramped, then shed their carapace and old shell and move into a new shell...and i understand the small town thing, live in one myself...though not that small...it does make it difficult to get into to the lfs on a moment's notice. as far as lugging around the shells in there, i dont know how big the shells are, but you would be surprised what those little crabs can haul around...kind of like ants in that respect...plus the water helps

algavore is my made up word for something that eats algae (like carnivores eat meat) and that crab of yours should be just fine with anything/everything you've got in there

just so we are sure what we are talking about, is this the guy:
