Mix well before..


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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This is an advice for noobs. I killed my frogspawn. I tried to buffer up my water cause ph was hitting 7.8, using Seachem Marine Buffer 8.3.
I mixed the buffer with 1 gallon of water, but did not wait long enough so solid particules where still in the water. I got very unlucky, cause when i put the water in my tank, a solid piece of the buffer ran right into the frogspawn mouth. He was ready to be fed, fully extended ( 5 inches polyps ). I saw him retract in 30 seconds. In 1 mn he was burned. Stress goo, filamentous. The polyps turned black. This morning, when the lights were off, there was only one injured polyp left...no more mouth, the skeleton was the main thing visible. A load of pods were eating dead tissues and were swimming through the calices. So...to noobs : mix welllll and be patient. First time i did something in the rush and it costs me my most precious coral. Maybe i'm sensitive when it's tank related, but i feel like i lost a lot.

I heard stories about frogspawns almost dead with only one or 2 polyps left that eventually grew back. I'll cross my fingers.
Also i noticed a sponge-like stuff right next to the frogspawn's stem. Maybe another head in progress ? Same color as the stem.

I'm so pissed 'cause in 1 month, with help of vitamins and phytoplankton, he tripled his size and was gorgeous.

...Don't rush, don't help too much mother nature..or learn the hard way like me


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Lets see...the first one I dint have enough watermovement. The second one fell into a Galaxia Colony, and the third died in a power outage.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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i thought i had moved from newb status to advanced newb until now: today i had to do some sort of water change, but only had a 1 gallon jug (some water change)--i added 1/2 cup of IO salt, then shook
as i poured it in, i noticed that some salt had settled to the bottom and now where "airborne" in the tank
my nice mushroom took a direct hit and appeared to be shedding zoanth-something (i've seen pics of this) or something similar because undissolved salt landed on it
i know i should have waited a bit longer and done better shaking...what a stupid noob
please excuse me while i go bang my head on the side of tank


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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