Mixing Different Small Pleco's


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
The only probelm that I can see is when they reach their full size you will not have enough room in your tank. Butterflies or Sailfins reach 12", Bristlenose reach 6-8" and the Clowns reach 4-5". I feel that they will be too crowded in your current tank and it might result in fighting.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Nice collection you have there. Even more so knowing how hard they are to come by in Australia. I have to agree with the others tho. Sorry but adding more to your tank would be trouble waiting to happen.

As you probably already have seen Male BNs can be pretty damn nasty about other fish wanting to come in their caves.

When and if you get another tank, pretty much any of the smaller ones available to you should be ok. But if they do not have enough room they will most definitely fight over territory. Tis just the way of the pleco.

Keeping a tank full of plecos is all about providing sufficient hiding spaces and a large enough tank for territories. For instance. If you have 3 BNs you want to have at least 5 caves for them to pick what one they want. Providing just 3 caves will almost certainly cause problems.

Search www.planetcatfish.com for species info.


Small Fish
Feb 27, 2006
*BOUNCINGS I'm just wondering if anyone can suggest a good mix of small pleco's. I've got four clown pleco's and 1 butterfly pleco as well as various bristlenoses. The male bristle nose is king, followed by the butterfly. I might be a bit restricted to what i can get into australia but i'm open to any suggestions. Thanks.*twirlysmi


Small Fish
Feb 27, 2006
Thanks guys and girls. At this point it is more a research kind of project for a future tank. I'm hoping to get a six foot sometime next year if i'm able to. I checked on the p/catfish website and they say the butterflys only get to about 6 inches is this info incorrect? I'm also in the process of making more caves for the current occupants so that they have plenty of choices, even though everyone has a home now. The pic that i have up is also available to put something into as it only has one algae eater in it now. I'm destocking the amount of livebearers and other fish i have so that i can specialise more in the pleco's and maybe loaches. I think i have been pretty lucky so far in that there have only been "this is my spot, move somewhere else" discussions between the fish. Thanks for all your input and i will continue my research so that by the time i get my bigger tank i'll have the right info and can give my finned kids the best possible set up. I look forward to learning more from everyone.*thumbsups


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I can only tell you what plecs I have kept in groups and how it worked out. L260 by far does the best mixed with many in the tank, L110- The males beat the crap out of anything that comes near their cave. L399-Well that was an expensive mistake, female ate a smaller male. L134 Do ok, but if they don't have enough caves expect problems. L59, a BN so again the males are pretty rough on the females. As are all the other BN species I have in my sig. with LDA08 being the exception. The L030s are in a 75, there are 3 of them and they seem to ignore each other. The L001s fight with the L204s. And the watermelon royal beats the heck out of ANY fish that comes near it. She owns my 90 gal.


Small Fish
Feb 27, 2006
Thank you everyone. Have been looking into the L260 online a bit and i quite like them. Not sure if we can get them in Oz but i'll look into it as a possibility for the future tank. Probably really expensive to get here lol.