Mixing goldfish and tropical fish

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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compatible goldfish and tropical fish food

I have an 80 gal tropical tank. My goldfish are starting to out grow thier tank right now. I was wondering if i could mix goldfish and tropicla fish. If i do i would set the tamp around 76 f. I was also wondering what food(s) are ok for both. Some that i already know of are brine shrimp and tubifex worms, any others. thanks for the help guys

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Sep 23, 2003
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Goldfish are not recomended to go in with tropicals. First goldfish wil eat any fish that fits in their mouth. Second they are really messy and most tropicals can not handle the ammount of amonia a goldfish can produce. Thirdly goldfish can have differnt paracites and other problems that tropicals may not be able to handle. Lastly they have differnt diet requirements. While some live food is good, goldfish really need a diet more vegtable based.

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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ok, my fish wont fit into the mouths of my goldfish, I treated my fish with anti-bacterial medication to prevent the transfer of parasites, i have a more than adequate biological filtration system set-up. the only problem i forsee is food. Does anyone know of a food that is healthy for goldfish as well as tropicals. thanks


Medium Fish
Apr 26, 2005
nj usa
messy idea

when i first started my tank i mixed tropical with gold fish, gold fish are messy ,cause ich, and are cold water fish, and my tropical fish tourmented the goldfish , i removed them promptly , i will never mix again, i like my fish aggressive anyway. so its a bad idea and any knowlageable fish store employee would tell you that if you went to buy them and was asked what type of fish you were to put in with them. i wont even feed my fish goldfish... but to each his own it may work out , i dont follow rules and i do just fine hehe

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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i know that gold fish are messy. i have had them for over a year and a half now so ick wont be a problem. My tropicals are not aggressive and adding the goldfish is not my worry. I am just trying to figure out what kind of food i can feed them that will be safe for both the goldfish and my tropicals.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I keep two fancys with some cories and dojo's and primarily feed bio-blend for goldfish. The goldies love the stuff, and the cories and loches are not picky at all.

Like whats already been said, some aggressive tropicals will pick on them due to there slow and bulky nature (fancies anyway) and they will produce a ton of waste. Goldfish do not cause Ick. Poor conditions cause Ick. And seeing as how many chains see goldfish as a disposable fish, they are often kept in less than optimal conditions.

Feed vegie based food. If you have duckweed available, they love the stuff. Two were able to clear the top of the tank within a month. Good treat, but should not be used as a primary food source.

Gentle Ben

Small Fish
Sep 16, 2004
Manchester, England
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If goldfish are forced into living in a tank of tropical temperature then their lifespan will be significantly reduced.

This is because the higher temperature of a tropical tank forces the Goldfish metabolism into to running faster, therefore they age and die a lot quicker.

I suspect there is more to it though, as at work we do not sell coldwater fish to go in tropical tanks and vice versa. If we could, our sales would go through the roof! We often get a lot of people who have goldfish but want to try tropical fish, and since most of them are too tight to buy another tank they ask if they can mix together.


New Fish
Apr 18, 2005

i keep a black moor with my mollies and guppys and a crab and they all get along fine, as long as the fish are hardy and of similar size they will be fine, however i removed my oranda as it tormented the mollies and keep him with some other fancy goldfish


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you don't think you can mix goldfish or koi with tropicals never go to SE Asia where you will see tremendous quality fish swimming round in 80 degree water.

Just use common sense - they're big messy fish, herbivorous, and some of the fancies are pretty frail. But if you think you could keep a small pacu, or very large tinfoil barb then you are probably setup to keep a goldfish

May 27, 2012
Thanks Robo, Like Little fish I have a peacful mixed tank. Good filteration and sized well. I have CHOOSEN to mix my fish, without a heater, taking all the other RISKS into consideration. I have kept both cold and tropical for years but like to have in one tank. It has gone well 1 month in, My only issue is I do not know what is best to feed. Will adding a little of both flake upset things. My guess is yes, So i have been feeding a cold flake. I would ideally like a product that would suit both needs, I understand this product may not be out there as they have generally different requirements. Is there a nautral food stuff i could try which is quite ready available to buy. More and more fish shops are making tropical fish tepid, common sense and experence are required so watch this space!!

May 27, 2012
Following my older post nutrafin max spirulina flakes (hagen): can be fed to both, also the website has an amzing drop down table in which you can see whats in you tank - for each species what can be fed and the best mix.