With a large enough tank, anything is possible.
I would say a three or four foot tank is as small as one could go and still be sucessfull with breeding both.
Visual bariers would be vital. Mabey even going so far as having one of the shell beds higher than the other, say 4 in. or so? Both areas would have to be good for each species so they would have no reason to leave to look for something better ( ex: enough shells, good amounts of food available..) If the two species were to interact enough, I would assume that eventualy one would become the dominate species of the tank.
Going to guess at what would happen if I were to put the two species I have togeather in a tank. A colony of multies, and three brevis (1m, 2f). The advantage of the multies are numbers. However the smaller size of the multies would be a disadvantage, even more so when compared to the larger size of the brevis. I've seen my male brevis kill a bristle nose plec three times his size, so he really does not back down from anything. I would say it would not take long before he ran off the colony and killed most if not all of the multies.
It would be interesting to see how small one could go and still keep both species. And what precautions were needed to keep the peace.