Mollie Fry


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am not getting any response to my question under "Breeding" so I will try here.

How do they get the various colors of Mollies? The LFS says they cross the silver with the black for the Dalmatians, is there any truth in that? It seems like mine are color conscious - I don't see the black and white mixing. On the other hand I now have one fry that looks like a possible cross. I also have some gold or orange mollies and although they are not in a tank with any black or silver, but if they were, would they mix and what would be the result? Also what is the difference between Dalmatian and Marble?? Ah yes, and the LFS tells me all sailfins are males??

AND - the silvers I just bought, who are in QT in a tank that has never been used, just presented me this AM with a group of fry - all black.

Dec 14, 2009
I used to breed different species of mollies and there was so many different, Strange colours i got out of them. The crosses can be made between any of the mollies e.g dalmation and orange sailfin was a particular favorite of mine! The males do tend to be the sailfins, but after a while the female fry - a few generations down, began to have sailfins also.

what varieties of molly do you have?

Dec 14, 2009
I used to breed different species of mollies and there was so many different, Strange colours i got out of them. The crosses can be made between any of the mollies e.g dalmation and orange sailfin was a particular favorite of mine! The males do tend to be the sailfins, but after a while the female fry - a few generations down, began to have sailfins also.

what varieties of molly do you have?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Thanks for the response. I kind of thought that might be the case about what they are called - Platinum/silver, marble/Dalmation, gold/orange/cremecicle are the ones I have heard of. Right now I do not have any of the marble. Not many people on this forum mention mollies, but I really like them. They are active and colorful and although sometimes the males seem rather aggressive, I think it is more "persistence" when they are pursuing a female. They are also apparently more prone to ich.