Mollies gasping

Jul 2, 2011
I have a 5.5 gal tank with 2 platies and 2 dalmatian mollies. My molly fish are gasping at the surface but my platies aren't. I turned the filter off
because it wasn't putting out water. I just changed the water and put the decontamination drops in. I am new to having multiple fish in a tank.

Feb 27, 2009
How long has the tank been set up? Could be ammonia poisoning if its a new tank. 5.5 gallons isn't really enough room for the fish you have. Water changes daily will help.

If your filter isn't working, I'd suggest replacing it.


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
You need to make sure to have some type of water movement to add air to the water especially with the 4 fish in a small tank so get that filter working quick or get a new one asap. Are you treating the water before adding it to the tank? kinda sounds like you said you added it then treated it. Also dont change all the water at once. the tank needs to keep some water to not kill the good bacteria who help your fish. Test your water in the tank if you can?

Jul 2, 2011
I am getting a new filter this week. I treated the water before adding it. The 5.5 gal is just temporary before I get a 10gal in a week or so. I fed them and they seem to not be going to the top as often. It may be getting used to a new tank because I just added the mollies this morning.

May 4, 2011
With that amount of fish in a new small tank it sounds like ammonia poisoning, but without a filter it could easily be low oxygen levels. Is it possible to test the water for ammonia? You said they are also not eating as much, or at all? That sounds a lot more like a sickness than low oxygen, get the 10 gallon as soon as you can and switch them but that won't fix it immediately. You will still have to cycle the 10 gallon and with that load you would be better off switching the mollies to the 10 and leaving the platies in the 5.5 for a while while they cycle.

Also are you using a heater? Warmer water has lower oxygen levels but it really sounds more like "new tank syndrome". If you added the mollies and tried to feed them immediately they usually don't eat for 24 hours to adjust to the stress or being moved, they can appear to be sick too but they are just stressed and vulnerable. If you have any kind of ammonia neutralizer like ammo chips or ammolock I would use that as well as daily water changes until the 10 gal comes, then split them up and test both tanks regularly while they cycle.

Jul 2, 2011
They aren't really gasping anymore. They ate the food like they have never eaten in their life. I turned off the old filter which seemed to help. The new filter will prob be installed Wednesday and yes I have a secondary tank for when I am cleaning the tank for them to go to as the new filter cycles through. The 10gal will have to wait for a week or two.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Ummm you don't move your fish out when you clean the tank, you should never replace ALL of the water at the same time.

No filter for even 24 hours can be deadly. The filter helps move the water and aerate it. your fish are likely gasping for o2. You need a filter TODAY. Your tank is overcrowded.