Molly Babies

Apr 4, 2011
Ok so i think my molly is pregnent. ill try to post a pic(if u can tell me how ill appreciate it). How will i know when toput her in the birthing chamber?:confused: i don't want to hurt her! and how many babies will she most likely have. (its her first breed i think) sorry for all the questions but if she red with another fish in the pet store, will she reed with the male i have now?:confused: any way plz help me and i will post pics when and if she has babies (if i can figure out how to post pics)*GOLDFISH* :eek: WHAT IF SHE ISN'T PREGO?!?!? WHAT IF SHES JUST A FAT FISH??!?!?!!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHH btw her name is Onix. i kno its spelle wrong, this is how i spell it for a name*SUNSMILE* :cool:

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Apr 4, 2011
well i've searched up behavior and she is alot like this and she is growing every day, but no body else is, i dont over feed, everyone eats very simmilar amount (amazingly even the small tetras) so i think i bought her pregnant. i hope so. i've never bred b4. *SUPERSMIL

Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
Click on the icon that looks like two mountains with the sun behind them in the tool bar for quick reply and enter the url of the pic. Or just drag it into the window where you type from your desktop or picture folder.

Oct 29, 2010
In general, you don't want to put a fish in a breeding chamber anyway.

The small space and confinement could cause her to miscarry or die of stress after the birth.

The best way to save lots of babies is to move them to a separate fry tank after birth (or even to the "birthing chamber"), or put live/fake plants in the main tank for them to hide in.

If you put some good hiding places, you'll soon be teeming with fry with no extra effort. Mollies breed like rabbits! :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
ITT, livebearers in general breed like rabbits. lol!! Just keep her and the other fish well fed, have lots of hiding places, and be patient. You will soon have fry. That's what I did with my first batch of Platy fry. They actually scared me cuz they came out of nowhere!! I now have 7 10 week old fry and 22+ 2 week old fry. Just get some Java Moss (easy to come by) and/or some create a 'fry mop'. You can take some aquarium/water safe stuff (like string, etc.) and bundle it up and put it in your tank. Floating or planted, the fry will hide in it. Your Molly will be giving birth soon if her stomach looks squarish. I'll post this instead, sorry that it's about Platies instead of Mollies.

A= look at the opening infront of the anal fin, this is open and white when she turned around you can see the opening quite clearly, if the opening has something dark in it she is just going for a poo, if its white and seems hollow then she is going into the first stages of labour. this is the best sign as some fish do differ b/c of the amount of fry inside.

B= this area will stay rounded until 24 hours before she will give birth, then it will go box like shaped as ive shown in the picture. this happens with almost. every fish

C= this area will look like its an intense lighter colour than that of her natural colouring it will be swollen a fair bit if she has a lot of fry waiting to come out but this is not always the case as young fish with there first drop dont usual show this so well.

D= note that the shape of her back has started to arch, this is her getting into position so the birth canal will allow fry to drop.

She will be panting but not as heavy as guppies do and she will either be quite on the bottom or in weeds or she could and most of mine done go into a reverse swimming motion with her head to the floor and her tail in the air.

Good Luck and post some pics if you can!!

Apr 4, 2011
thx for all the help!! she does have a white spot right where u said, i was wondering what it was, and thx 4 telling me how to do the pics! im excited for my baaby fishhh!
this hopefully will work. my fish is not very old in my tank, but she was the biggest female in the pet store.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Sure thing!! The pic doesn't pop up for me... :( But she is actually going in to labor. Expect to see fry within the next few days. Keep your eyes peeled for little transparent things darting around at the bottom of your tank. Also keep an eye on your other fish so they don't eat the fry.