One of my mollies recently had about 12 babies. They are black in color despite the mother being gold. Something is strange about the babies. The swim very little. The sit around the bottom of my 40 gal tank and hide amongst the gravel despite a plethora of plants to hide in. This gets them into trouble because they often get stuck in the gravel between the glass and gravel and i have to dig them out. I heard that baby fry need to gulp air when they are born to function properly. My fry were unable to do this because my tank is quite tall and has 3 adult mollies, 5 platies, and 5 guppies. The fry would have been eaten. I wonder if this is the reason for their odd behaviour. The weird thing is one of my guppies recently died (i'll get to that later) and had one baby before death. This baby never went to the surface, but is swimming happily among the plants. Also the molly which gave birth to the weird fry got sick the day after with one of her fins becoming white and clamping to her side not working. She is very sluggish now. I wonder if this disease affected the babies.
My question about guppies is weird behaviour. The guppy which died recently was hanging around the top of the tank alot. The day after she died. Now a male is doing it. I have no idea what the problem is because all the other fish are pretty much fine.
My question about guppies is weird behaviour. The guppy which died recently was hanging around the top of the tank alot. The day after she died. Now a male is doing it. I have no idea what the problem is because all the other fish are pretty much fine.