Molly Fry


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

When can I rehome my molly fry or take them out of the breeder net and back in my tank with the other fish?

I know I have far too many for my tank, I just couldn't let them all get eaten up :p

They are a week old and quite big :rolleyes:

My parameters in my tank aren't getting any better but I'm doing 20% water changes everyday. Is the molly fry making the difference to the levels?

I love my fish sooo much and could watch them for ages! I just wish my tank would be perfect ;)


Small Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I usually wait until my fry are about a month or 6 weeks old before I release them with the adults. (once they reach the size where they can no longer fit into mommies mouth) If you are worried about your tank size.. and you should be; then just set up a Molly tank. Have your mollies in one and then your guppies and shrimp in the 90l. :) Hope this helps a little! Good luck!