Molly tank mates

Dec 2, 2012
I have a 10 gallon tank w/h two mollies, a whisper 20i internal filter, some silk plants, a heater, and some decor. I have algae on my tank walls and gravel and decor. I a getting algae eater(s) tomorrow. Any advice on feeding, purchasing, quarantining, breeds and requirements would be helpful. I don't want anything larger than about 3 inches, as I am going to be getting platys and a few more mollies in the future. I am new to myfishtank, so this is my first post.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to the forum! In a 10g, you actually don't have room for tons more fish, as mollies get to a good size, and may also breed and overrun your tank with fry. Do a little research on stocking levels first so you get the right kind and number of fish.
If you have algae, you may be leaving your lights on too long and/or overfeeding. Try reducing your lights and feeding and your algae issue will likely improve. If you do still want to get an algae eater, be cautioned that some fish sold as such are going to become problems later on. Do not buy a common pleco - they will get massive and only belong in very large tanks. Do not buy a Chinese algae eater - they don't actually eat much algae and can turn aggressive towards other fish. You could get three or food otocinclus instead...