Monster ate Pipsqueek!


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2005
Ithaca, NY
My largest ghost shrimp, Monster, ate my littlest one, Pipsqueek. My roommate found me in the dining hall this morning all flustered and said that Monster was attacking Pip. She'd tried to get him to stop but couldn't find the net, which I keep in a drawer. I ran back to the dorm and saw it was too late. He's hiding with the remains in the Java moss, I can't seem to get him out.

I've had these shrimp for so long, I never thought they would turn on eachother. Do you think M will go for the other shrimp as well? should I separate them?


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2005
Ithaca, NY
It was quite a shock this morning. I put the other shrimp into the tank with the white clouds. I don't know why the sudden agression. The only thing I can think of is maybe Pip was sick? I know fish will bully another fish if it is sick or dying so maybe thats what happened. Its really a shame. Pipsqueek was so cute and tiny. :(