Moonlight Gourami's


Small Fish
Feb 27, 2006
Hi All
I was just wondering if anyone could give me their opion and experiences with these fish. I have two pearl and one gold (whom i've been told to watch in case it gets agressive when it gets older) and would like to know if creating a Planted Gourami tank with the three i have plus maybe two moonlights would be a problem. Any info would be appreciated. Oh the three that i have at the moment are only around 4.5 cm in body length and i'd get moonlights around the same size if possible and if people think it will work. Thanks

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Small Fish
May 17, 2006
You really ought to quote the size tank you're looking at, as that can make a huge difference. But I'd say that even with the three you have now, you may have territorial problems, as golds can be quite vicious against other gouramis. Unless you're very experienced with territorial fish and cutting down aggression, I'd recommend removing the gold if you want to keep your other gouramis, as pearls (and moonlights, when you get them ;) ) are very peaceful.

But I believe for that many gouramis, you'd need at least 35-40 gallons just so they have breathing room.

May 15, 2006
Central Maine
I can definitely testify to the territorial aggressiveness of male Gold Gouramis. Mine has his little area on the right side of the tank, where he pretty much hangs out, looking at the wall. if any other fish comes into that area, he viciously chases them off. But so far, no injuries so I'm keeping him for now. Unless he gets much bigger. He's almost 4 inches now!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If the gold is a female, it would probably work (and assuming the tank is a decent size, which I would guess it is if all the fish in your sig are in the same tank). Especially since the tank is planted and that will make lots of territories with fewer lines of sight.

If the gold is a male, you would at the very least want to catch him for a while (an hour or 2... maybe in a breeder net?) to let the new moonlights get settled in peace. Even then, you might still have problems.


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
Stevie said:
I have heard they like softly lit tanks and are quite shy.

When in doubt google it!
Well, actually, from the second I got my moonlight, she was always in the open swimming freely no matter if the lights were on or off. I dont know the wattage of the lights though, they are just the lights i got with the 55. But she does like to graze on algae of the decore and the driftwood i got in the tank. She dont seem to bother anyone else in the tank and no one bothers her.