More fish, which type?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA
I have a 20 gallon, with 1 betta, 4 Clown loaches, and 11 (supposed to get 10 but the guy miscounted) head&tail lights.  What would be a good finishing type fish?  I thought about kissing gourami's.  Anyone else have any suggestions??

Oct 22, 2002
I'm still new but I think you might have some problems with the betta (if its a male) and the gourami.  Have you thought about some corys?  They provide lots of entertainment.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Not kissing gouramis, they get 8 inches or so.

How about a couple Honey gouramis. They are very pretty, and very peaceful, stay about 2 inches.

You probebly already know, but eventually your clownloaches will get too big for that tank, but until then, your good.

What about algae control? May I suggest a rubber pleco, a very good, stays small, and a  pretty pleco.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA
Yea, I'm aware of the Loaches and growing.  I plan on a 55 in the future.....a sort of..."Loach Hilton" specifically for my Clowns, and if I get the itch, maybe another loach or 2.  :)

A honey gourami?  I'll have to look that up....I don't even remember seeing that in any of the stores around here...but I could be wrong.

And, yes I do need algae control.  I'll check into that pleco.  

BTW, I know this question has plagued fish keepers ever since the dawn of time....but how many fish it too many??  I read a post on a forum on about someone haveing 46 fish in a 30 gallon tank.  I have 16 at the moment, and mine looks full.  So, what is the best determining factor for "how many is too many?"  


Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I myself, probebly put that one or two extra in there that probebly stretches it, but there are a few things I consider.

This is more on a non-planted tank.

1. How much space will there be in the tank, when all the fish reach their possable max size?
-- Do the fish I have need some space? Stick together? 75% stay at the bottom? All at the top?

If the fish are always running into each other, then maybe a few at the bottom would be a better choice.

2. With that in mind, how often can I really not have to worry about that water change?
--If you have to do one every week because the filters are totally clogged, the nitrAtes are very high, then there is an imbalance, and your fish load(or fish feeding) is too high.

Sometimes your tank size can handle it, but your filter can't. So a second filter, larger one, or added media for bacteria is a solution.

3. Is there fighting among the fish that shouldn't be?
--That is also a hint that either your tank is crowded, or your territorys need to be rearanged.

4. Does the tank look full/ empty to you?

I know when I need more fish..or thats enough. You will learn as well what does it for you too.

HTH some


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA
Answers are as follows:

1.  None!  The clowns will take it all up when they get larger....THats why I plan on a 55 dedicated to "Loach Hilton" so to speak.   *celebratesmiley*

2.  I don't think my filter would get clogged.  I have a penguin bio-wheel, 170.  It turns my whole tank over 8 times an hour. I also plan on later hooking up a UGH filter with my power head, because I have heard reports ( and plan on reading a report from a loach expert in the next week or so) about how power heads attached to UGH's make the water X amout of times more cleaner, and make the loaches grow X amount of time faster because it replicates their surroundings.  When I do that, my main filter will turn my water over about 8 times, and my 7 times.  So my entire tank will turn over about 15 times.  

3.  I had to move my betta out today.  My loaches chased him out of their iding hole where he tried to sleep because the H&T lights stole his sleeping place.   :-X

4.  To me personally, it looks like it is very close to full.  But, I don't know.  I am just starting this thing and don't know the difference in ful and empty looking tanks.

Mine is a nonplanted tank, so I deffinately need to get that pleco, huh?  


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA
There are a lot of fish you could put in your tank.  Just make sure you dont add any fish with long wavy fins or the betta might attack, and on the same note make sure you dont add any fish that might be nippers, or they may pick on the betta.  IMO bettas can be great community tank fish if put with other proper species.  As far as overcrowding is concerned.  I tend to probably put in more fish than I should, but I know that I maintain my tanks very well.  It is really just common sense, I dont follow any of that "one inch of fish per gallon" garbage, or any other rules.  All fish are different, one rule cant apply to all of them.  If you are having problems maintaining a healthy environment for your fish or if the tank just looks too full, then it probably is.  But if your water parameters are easily maitainable and your tank looks somewhat sparsely populated you could probably add some more.  Best of luck.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
To get kinda technical, the theory of ,if you have a 20 gallon tank, and a 100 gallon per hour(GPH) filter, that your tank is turning over the water 5 times an hour is not actually correct.It would be almost 3 hours to make a complete filtration

Without getting too graphic with formulas and things, think of it this way.

Your tank takes unfiltered water, filters it, and mixes it back with unfiltered water.You now have a mix of the two, which eventually both go through again, and again, until 99.99 % is filtered. You will never get 100%, cause there will always be some amount that didn't get through in the period of time measured.

SO for your filter a Pen 170, without anything restricting its flow(filter floss,media, build up of sludge in the motor, intakes ect.) on a 20 gallon tank, it will take approx 2 hours for a complete turnover.

My tank has a 220gph and 350 gph filter(s), it would take at it's best about an hour and a half to 99.99% filter my tank.

Source=Aquatic systems engineering

I would get a pleco  *celebratesmiley*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA

I see what you mean......the water coming out of the filter might be clean, but the water it's pouring back into isn't.  Makes sense.  

I moved my betta last night back to my 2 gallon.  His fins were tearing...not like fin rot, just splitting.  And he tried to hide in the same cave as my loaches last night to get away from all those head and tail lights (I guess their lights were keeping him awake) and one of my loaches chased him out....what a dork.  

BTW, I did research on the rubber pleco last night, and I turned up that it can get 12 inches???  Is that accurate?? I need something kind of small because it will be a few months before I can get a 55.