More fish?


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
So I'm wondering if I should get more fish or not. I had wanted to get perhaps more dwarf loaches so they can be in a little group (3 more perhaps), maybe 2 more cories, 2-4 more rummy nose, and another group of small schooling fish (for the top- or mid-level)--probably 8-10 furcata rainbows. I think this may be too much though, especially for the bottom... I guess I have a thing for bottom feeders :).

What do you guys think? Any alternative suggestions or should I leave it alone with what I have now?

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
With an 84 gallon tank, you can fit alot of fish. Cut down the number of rainbows and heck you could fit even more in. What are the dimensions? as long as there is enough floor and swimming space (not height) a bunch of fish should have no problem.


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
The dims are 72"Lx18"Wx15"H, so it's more foot print than height (this was chosen on purpose for the plants and betta... since it's kinda HIS tank).

I believe the SAE's and the "dwarf loaches" can get to ~6". That was my main concern with too many bottom dwellers. My loaches haven't seemed to grow though while the SAE's have been growing quickly. Also, I just found the one baby swordtail today and the two baby SAE's a few weeks ago, so I guess the fish reproducing themselves is another concern...

You think that many is cool? How many rainbows would you get? The top area seems pretty chill right now, since most of the inhabitants stay near the lower half of the tank, so I thought 8-10 furcatas would fill it up.... or maybe hatchet fish if the LFS doesn't have the furcatas in stock (they come sporatically).


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have the same tank, with a lot of bottom feeders. I'd say to definitely add some more loaches and cories. I would also add at least another 2 tetras to the school, maybe more. Fortunately, that tank has a lot of surface area, so it's not so hard to overstock, especially if you have good filtration and water movement.


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Cool, thanks. I thought the bottom would get too crowded (I tend to think with any living thing, if it gets too crowded, aggression springs up), so that's a relief :).

I guess I'll just start by adding more of the species I already have (add 3 loaches, then 2 cories, then 4 rummy-nose). Then maybe I'll add the school of top-dwellers, or maybe it won't seem to need it after I enlarge the rummy nose population.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
^agreed. And yeah if you want that many rainbows, and a large group of hatchets, sure go with it. That is a nice sized tank, alot of room.

edit-ha we posted at the same time, just noticed. Good luck with the tank.


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Ah thanks for the cave advice. There are only 2 structures in the tank now. One makes 2 cave-thingies and the other only makes one. At first the loaches hung out in the one on the left, but haven't really been spending much time there anymore (they just chill under plants instead). I was going to get some real driftwood anyways though since now I realize my PH is at 8 and my KH is so high, I don't think I'll have to worry about the driftwood changing it and maybe the pleco can munch on it. I'll try to make sure to make at least 2 more cave/holes with the driftwood so they can hide again if they feel like it.

Thanks again.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You can always look for cavey driftwood, at least that's what I did. You can also make caves out of rocks, if you don't find any plastic ones you like. The advice I have always read for loaches is to make sure there's at least one cave on each end of the tank, and with a long tank like yours, it's even more important.


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Thanks for the ideas and advice guys.

Lotus said:
The advice I have always read for loaches is to make sure there's at least one cave on each end of the tank
The current two plastic structures are at the opposite ends of the tank. I guess I'll put the real driftwood and/or rocks I get in the center then, since the ends are already taken.