Over the past couple weeks I have been keeping a close eye on a pair of Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus that I recently bought about a month ago. I was pretty sure that I had a male and a female but wasnt sure...
well the past week or so the aggression level has dramatically increased and today when I got home I found 80+ fry swimming around the parents shell...
I tell you, getting 80+ fry that are under 1/8" out of a 72gallon tank is not an easy task. I siphoned them all out with a piece of airline tubing and took some really good hits on the hand from the male...
I now have 30+ L. Ocellatus "Gold" fry and 80+ N. Caudopunctatus fry growing out in a 10 gallon fry tank. I am think that I my need to pick up another 10 gallon fry tank...
just thought I would share...
well the past week or so the aggression level has dramatically increased and today when I got home I found 80+ fry swimming around the parents shell...
I tell you, getting 80+ fry that are under 1/8" out of a 72gallon tank is not an easy task. I siphoned them all out with a piece of airline tubing and took some really good hits on the hand from the male...
I now have 30+ L. Ocellatus "Gold" fry and 80+ N. Caudopunctatus fry growing out in a 10 gallon fry tank. I am think that I my need to pick up another 10 gallon fry tank...
just thought I would share...