i dont know what macro mode is.. the digi cam is a few yrs old.. it doesnt really have any features on it.. zoom in and zoom out... some stuff to do with the flash.. and thats it... its taken me awhile, but i can finally get decent pics of the bettas... i know theyre not spectacular but it shows their color well...
i finally finished cleaning them all and re arranging the rack (now 12:15 am)... i used to slack a lot in cleaning them... maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks... now they get full cleanings every 4 or 5 days.. and i usually suck out poop every 2 days.... so they stay pretty clean..
mcshell im from Vancouver too :O.. if you are looking for nice bettas i know of a few fish stores that have good ones..
leck85@hotmail.com is my msn
edit: and guppyman..
www.photobucket.com is a good place.. u have to signup, but you can add like 100 pics there before ur storage limit is full... if you are just looking to put something on the web so u can have a link to show ppl... try