more than fish + water = instant pets


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Central NY, USA
*end lurk mode*

Ok I've finally decide to come out of my cave in the back corner of the tank to join the shoal

I'm kind of new to fishkeeping; more fair to say new to being obsessed with fish & fishkeeping.
The 1st modivation for me for to buy fish was to let my kids have a no brainer pet in an apartment that allowed no pets; fish didn't count, sooooo. After killing off some poor beauties I needed to know why. I needed to know how to keep them alive.... With that came more interest in the whole deal; all different fish, decorations, on & on.... Still learning & still rather new to it all.

I'm happy to have found "The friendliest fish forum"


Originally posted by MarkRW89
Welcome to the tank-gourami or loach questions especially welcome.:)
Thanks :)

How do your gouramis all get along in your 20 gal.?
I have a blue/3-spot & I've wondered if she'd (I think it's a she) get along with other gouramis; like a pearl. (1st I'd have to get a bigger tank)

As far as loaches are concern I'm most fawned of the Yo-Yo loach; judging by what I've read. Size & markings; although I've never seen them in a store in my area. (clowns are beauties but grow to a larger fish than I'd really care to own....)
[my pleco fits the above description as well :( ]