I just walked out back to check on a manzanita burl I've got soaking. The bucket that is was in was brown with tanins as expected, but there was an added bonus I hadn't thought of until now. The surface was repleat with mosquito larvae. I got a brine shrimp net and made several scoops. I placed them in a tank with some mollies and they just went bizzerk! 50 mosquito larvae were gone in less than two minutes. I tried giving some to my bettas and they scarfed them down as well. I removed the wood from the bucket and drained the bucket through my net. Now I've got a jar with tons of these things swimming around. I put a paper towl over the mouth of the jar with a rubber band so that they don't metamorphasize and fly off into my house. Since I put tap water in the bucket, I know the larva are safe from disease. (fish disease not necessaraly west nile, heh heh) What a great free source of live food to spice up my fishes diet!!