Most recent full tank shot


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
I have been extremely busy for the past year with school and work, so I have not been really active on this forum in awhile. Now that I'm on my summer break, I have too much time on my hands.
Anyway, I regret it, but I have not had the blessing of time to give my tank the care it deserves. I have done two water changes in the past year.

This was taken on March 19, 2007. Sorry about the quality.
My sump still has some minor problems, so in this pic you can see how much it has dropped the water level.
Caulerpa still grows like crazy, and if I remember correctly, I had just given away the majority of it after this photo op. I have some nice macro on the far right hand side whose ID escapes me at the moment.
A quick list of what I have:
-Sebae Anemone x1 (does it look normal in the pic?)
-Common Clown
-Royal Gramma
-Kole/Yellow Eye Tang
-Pinkspot Goby
-Bangaii Cardinal
-Longnose Hawk
-Blue Hamlet (looks like an Electric Blue Cichlid)

The only losses I have to report at this time are the majority of my coralline due to a pair of rock boring urchins and my branch of green star polyps (who were probably toppled by the said urchins).

All I am running is 4x65 watt PC/CFs and 2x54 watt T5, 2x Seio 820 powerheads, and a Maxijet 1200. Have been skimmerless for months.

All corals have excellent growth rates.

I may be in from time to time lurking in the forums and such. See you all around.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
Ah I forgot to mention that. The tank is a 75.
As far as the clam goes, I'm holding onto that until my buddy can catch his dwarf angels in his 200. Those little buggers love to nip at clams and xenia.
I tested my parameters the other day and everything is excellent considering what I have not done to the tank. Calcium was on the high end despite good coralline and coral growth. I stopped dosing liquid calcium additives back in Decemeber and have not done a water change since March. Nitrate is around 10ppm, so the caulerpa appears to be doing its job.

I appreciate all the feedback!