Moulted Singapore "Flower/Bamboo" Shrimp

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I couldn't help but post a new thread about this.

I figured it would be a good example to highlight the shrimp-moulting experience for anyone interested.

I got up this morning and checked out my 12 gal. tank to find one of my shrimp doing something strange on one of the plants.
At first glance I thought the two shrimp were on top of each other, and was like "Oh no, is one of the shrimp eating the other one?! :eek: ", but quickly re-gained my wits about me and came to the conlusion that this wouldn't be realistic.
"Hmmm....are they mating or something funky?!?"

I then noticed that the other shrimp was on the bottom...

When I looked closer, I discovered that the shrimp on the plants was pulling the top part of his body out of his old shell!
I was just in time to see him pull completely out of his old shell---which stayed suspended on the plants as though he had never moved.

I'm gonna borrow my friend's digital camera tonight and take pictures to post here...the old shell is still floating around the tank somewhere (it's stuck to the bottom of the filter intake, actually).

I'll be sure to get some pics of both the shrimp, and the tank in general too.

The cool thing is that this shrimp now has grown back the leg that he was missing when I purchased him!

Anyway...keep your eyes open for some pics later. I'll try to have them up later tonight or tomorrow.

Big Vine


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Wow, that's pretty cool! I've never actually seen the process... just the results with the shed skin after the fact.

WHen my fiddler crab molted he would hide behind the driftwood. The exoskeleton looked so much like him it was pretty creepy. Took him about a week to eat everything.