mouth problem???


New Fish
Oct 24, 2007
okay so its not really ON his mouth. but i have a red fire dwarf gourami whos been in my hospital tank for about 2 weeks now, this problem is not going away.

it started out as a little red spot under the left side of his mouth. slowly, i observed a whitish colored obtrusion sprouting from the red spot it kind of looked like a zit. a zit that a human would get.

at first i thought he had flukes or something, but then something weird happened. after a few days, it kept growing larger and then one day it seemed to have popped, the whitish stuff had become stringy and lesser in mass, it seemed to have been going away. but now its back, although slightly smaller, it looks the same as it did when the protrusion first appeared.

thinking it was some sort of parasite, i upped the temp in the hospital tank to about 93-95 dgrs f. and added some aquarium salt. ive also been doing regular 10% wc's, about every other day. also been treating him with melafix.

needless to say, it isnt going away.

now, i had a few others in the hospital tank with him, a bolivian ram, and a spotted puffer. neither of them seemed to catch what he had, even after being in with him for about a week. the puffer has since decimated the ram, and i have since put up an aggressive H tank and stuck him in there. now its just the gourami.

can someone tell me whats wrong with my beloved fire dwarf gourami?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I don't think salt will help with this, to be honest. It works OK for ich, but probably not for other parasites.

It's hard to say exactly what it is your fish has. If you think it's a parasite, then a copper-based treatment should work. I've always been happy with CopperSafe. It wouldn't be a good idea to use the copper on the puffer unless you see visible signs of disease.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
From the description given, it sounds like a wound that developed a case of fungus or some other sort of infection. Accordingly, my first course of treatment would be to dose the tank with PimaFix (and possibly MelaFix at the same time).

But it's really difficult to say without pics of the ailment in question.

Has the 'stringy' 'whitish stuff' that you described spread at all?
You've got me really stumped on this one, because your original description of the red spot area developing a zit-like protrusion which 'popped' sounds a lot to me like when an ich cyst 'explodes' and releases new ich 'offspring' (forgive my lack of proper terminology here). But then again, you didn't mention anything about seeing salt grain-like specks on the fish, plus the raised heat/salt treatment doesn't appear to have helped so...not ich...

So then what the heck is it? :confused:
Pics would be great, but anything else you could tell us to shed light on things would be very helpful.