Moved my amazon sword plant..


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Even though it took many months to do anything, it turned out to be poor planning, planting an amazon sword in a 10g tank. It needed lots more room to grow. A week or two ago I decided to have a go at moving it from my 10g to my 55.

Wow what a mess I made of my 10g! The root system of the amazon sword basically carpeted the whole bottom of the 10. I fluffed the whole subtrate (FloraMax) area gently trying to remove the sword. I did get it done though. I looks great in my 55g. Here's what it looked like in my 10, and how it looks now in the 55g:



Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Thanks guys. Both tanks look a lot better since everything has settled out.

I just realized I finally got a shot of the 4 of my lady bettas in the 55. The two furthest to the right are tanks. The personalities of the 4 crack me up. The angel is like a goofy dog.