Even though it took many months to do anything, it turned out to be poor planning, planting an amazon sword in a 10g tank. It needed lots more room to grow. A week or two ago I decided to have a go at moving it from my 10g to my 55.
Wow what a mess I made of my 10g! The root system of the amazon sword basically carpeted the whole bottom of the 10. I fluffed the whole subtrate (FloraMax) area gently trying to remove the sword. I did get it done though. I looks great in my 55g. Here's what it looked like in my 10, and how it looks now in the 55g:
Wow what a mess I made of my 10g! The root system of the amazon sword basically carpeted the whole bottom of the 10. I fluffed the whole subtrate (FloraMax) area gently trying to remove the sword. I did get it done though. I looks great in my 55g. Here's what it looked like in my 10, and how it looks now in the 55g: