Moved: Sick female krib


Small Fish
Jul 26, 2007
Cincinnati / Toronto
Hi all,

All of a sudden last night my female Krib was sitting on the bottom between some rocks and breathing really quickly. She typically had a bright pink belly area and really bright yellow / black dorsal fins. Her fins are still the same but her belly and main body are completely pale, barely any pink at all. The horizontal stripe through her midsection is almost all faded.

She seems to be breathing quickly, at first I thought she was chewing something... she not going to the surface at all.

My water parms are fine 0 Ammonia, 0 nitrites and about 15 nitrate. All the other fish are fine.

Any one have any ideas? Did a water change about 6 days ago, and one last night.

I fed them some frozen blood worms and she did get one but she didn't seem too enthusiastic at all. She is still chasing Mr Krib when he comes upto her and he runs for the hills....

If she was having a hard time breathing wouldn't she be up at the surface?

Tank mates currently:

6" Bala
3 American-Flag fish
1 small SAE
1 Male Kribensis
4 Zebra Danio
1 pair of Betta Falx


PS:This was originally posted in the beginner forum but I didn't get any responses so moved it to a more appropriate place.