Moving across country?


Small Fish
Jul 6, 2011
We are so attached to our fish, but now we have to plan a move 2,000 miles across the U.S. in October. We don't have any friends we can give our fish to, and we doubt they will survive three days of camping.

Any ideas?


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
Visit site
Are you on good terms with your local, helpful fish store? If so, you might consider seeing if they'd house your fish in the back for a week and mail them to you later. You'd have to offer them some decent coin, and you could make it easier by purchasing all of the packing supplies yourself. But it's worth a shot.

Otherwise, I'd say simply sell the fish back to the fish store, wash and pack everything carefully, and start anew when you settle in.

Good luck.

Feb 27, 2009
Get several Kordon breather bags, a few 'Bag Buddies' and a cooler to keep the temperature stable. Seperate the genders for the live bearers adults (platies and mollies), and seperate the danios into 2 or 3 different bags. I moved 8 fish aquariums full of fish, just over 1000 miles and they lived in those bags for 9 days. No issues at all.

When they catch the fish in the wild, they are kept in those bags for weeks at a time. Oxygen can diffuse into them, and CO2 out.


Medium Fish
Jul 24, 2011
Richfield Ohio
what i did was fill up several 5 gallon Buckets used Plastic wrap around the top so it didnt leak and placed an air house inside with a single hole in the middle of the plastic for Air to get out. with a power inverter i powered my air pumps And drove the hole way to there new home. ive made this move twice and haven't lost a single fish. However 2000 miles id use some sort of Insulation to keep the
Temp decent. Good Luck!