well i posted about a month and a half ago about moving my tank from school to home. everything went smoothly on that move, but the move back didn't go so well. before i even got to school i lost one of my fancy guppies. then after moving back in and getting my tank set back up, my zebra loach began acting lethargic and eventually died. then yesterday i noticed that my kuhli loaches weren't as active as normal, but i hoped they were just keeping low key after the move. unfortunately this morning i woke up to a dead kuhli, and the other one isn't far from dying. i did everything normally, i acclimated them by adding 1/4 cup of the new water to the water in the bag every 10 min. i let them float for almost an hour. my oto's even made it!! but unfortunately jacko (the zebra loach), walker (the yellow guppy), thing one and thing two (the kuhli's) didn't make the trip :-(