moving house!!

Oct 2, 2008
hi all dunno if this is the right place to post but.............................................

we r movin in a few weeks and we have a 4ft (L) 1.5ft (w) 2ft (d) tank and need to know the best way 2 go about movin it. we currently have bout 40 fish in it.

any ideas greatly appreciated!!



Large Fish
Jul 21, 2008
Moving a tank is always fun =/ lol.... i have read some where that fish can live in a bag from 24-48 hours anything after 48 hours i think you are pushing it... maybe make pre-made almost good bags... aka TAKE WATER FROM THE TANK!!!! use the gravel in the little bags as well... Not sure if your tank is planted or not but to stop you from having to recycle and sell all your fish i would Save all gravel submerged in water from the tank as well as plants and decorations i would even take filter media and keep it in the tanks water as well.... but its basically common sense Pack everything up leak proof and get it safely to the next location as quick as possible.... This is my advice and i wouldn't see anything wrong with doing it this way...

i am sure some one else will pick up the thread and give you a link or two.