Moving my 10G, the time has come.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
Okay, I've asked about this before and have been doing research about the logistics of moving a tank, but I wanted to come here and run my plan past you guys just to make sure I have everything right so I don't lose any fish.

I have to move my 10G tank from my apartment in Kalamazoo, MI to my home in Waterford, MI for the summer (a distance of roughly 150 miles and I 2.5 - 3 hour drive). I won't actually be moving the tank until next week because I still have to buy all the supplies.

My game plan was to get two 5 gallon buckets with lids from a hardware store, I was then going to siphon some water from the tank equally into the two buckets leaving enough water in the tank to keep the gravel covered. Then, gently net and place half the fish into one bucket and half in the other (probably the tetras into one bucket, and the otos and shrimp in the other). Then I'd place the filter media into the tetra bucket (don't wanna accidentally crush the shrimp!), bag the rest of the filter, heater, air pump, and my ornaments. If I remember I read it was okay to let them dry out. Then load everything into my car, set the auto-climate to 78 (Yes, I'm willing to roast for my fish :D) and have my brother poke his head into the buckets periodically to make sure everyone is still alive and the filter media is still underwater.

Any ideas/suggestions? I think I got a pretty good plan here, but I wanted to be safe. Thanks in advance!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The only thing I'd possibly do different would be to get a battery-operated air pump for each bucket. That way there's a constant supply of fresh air for the fish and for the bacteria on your filter media. Instead of a 5gal buckets, you could always do the 1gal ice cream buckets with holes poked in the top. It wouldn't take up nearly as much room as the 5gal buckets would.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
Thanks for the reply Bass. Where could I find a battery powered air pump? That's a pretty good idea. The 5 gallon buckets aren't too big of an issue as I'm going to be driving my moms mini-van.


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
Or you could buy a device that plugs into the power port/cig lighter of the car and has a regular 2 prong plug receptacle at the end, and just plug it into the van and plug an aquarium air filter into that.


New Fish
Jun 6, 2010
The only thing that I would add is that I lined my buckets with garbage bags. I did this to help ensure they were water tight, but also to decresase the likelihood of a fish finding its way into one of the corner crannies where it might have gotten hurt or stuck, especially if the car hit a bump. I don't know how likely to happen that actually was, but better safe than sorry.

(I was also re-using 5lb deli buckets that had once contained various food items that, clean and scrub though I might, I worried I might not have 100% removed, so the bags helped with this, too.)