moving tank!!! need help!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i'm selling my 55 gallon acrylic tank for $100 with all the equipment, food, chemicals, stand, hood and fish. the problem is that the person i'm selling it to lives an hour away. i have no idea how i'm going to transport everything and keep the fish alive.

the fish are:
10 tiger barbs
5 giant danios
1 red tailed black shark
1 chinese algea eater

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ???


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
  • qc


an hour aint bad at all..
What you need to do is get a few fish bags (Could possibly buy them from your LFS) and use them to carrie the fish in (Don't feed the fish for about 24 hours before going into the bag so they dont foul the water too much)

place the fish in the bag close it up (Like they do in the fish store) and place the bags either in an eskey (Killy Bin, Cooler Box, What ever you want to call them) and place them on the passanger seat with the seat belt over them.

With the filter tho (If its a canister filter) you should pack the media wet (Not saturated in water) just wet (Getting some tea towels and place it in the tank water and put it in the bags with the filter media will keep a bit of it alive.. saving having to go through a huge cycle again! (Will make it quicker)

Hope you understood the jist of what i was saying i was a bit.. unclear ..


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What I did when I moved with my 33 gallon is that I simply seperated my fish into their respectful groups and then I put them into large ziplock bags which I then put into my school bag. I had to be careful not to harm any of the fish while moving the bags around, but besides that all went well and the fish all settled in real nice into their new home. I also think that if you really are worried about transporting some fish tha aren't too large I would put them in large tupaware containers. You could even cut a small hole in the top of the containers and insert a small battery operated air pump if you really want to be careful, but it's not necessary if it's going to be a short trip. ;D