moving tank!!!

Mar 26, 2016
Hi everyone looking for some advise thanks. Going to moving a 54l fish tank to a new stand but dont know the best way to do this. I have only 3 fish in my tank


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
i would do the following:

1. get some plastic totes/bins
2. move most water into one of the totes. you'll want to save some water at least to not re-cycle your tank. leave some water in the tank for now b/c of the fishes
3. move out the decorations if any in the tank(maybe give the a good washing if it's been awhile)
4. now that the tank is empty of decor and less should be able to catch your fishes easily.
- be easier if you have a smaller tank that you can house the fish with the filter and heater for now
5. then empty out the rest of the water and find some good friends to help you move the tank.
- most will suggest also the gravel too but i've been okay moving a tank with gravel inside as long as you're not going too far.

to put everything back together..
- i'd put some plastic over your gravel so when you add back in the water, it won't disturb the gravel too much. after it's filled, you can slowly remove the plastic.
- put the decor, filtration and heater back in. make sure water temp is back to normal. and then you can add in the fish.

edit. i misread the 54L as 54 gallons. so 54L is about 14 gallons. if it's a tank that size...i'd remove as much water (leave some again for the fishes) and get a friend to help move the tank to a new stand with everything else in it. and then follow the same steps to add back in the water.

then again...method might be different if you're moving to like a new place..but since it's a new stand..i assume it's in the same general area.

i think that should be the gist of it. hope that helps!

Mar 26, 2016
i would do the following:

1. get some plastic totes/bins
2. move most water into one of the totes. you'll want to save some water at least to not re-cycle your tank. leave some water in the tank for now b/c of the fishes
3. move out the decorations if any in the tank(maybe give the a good washing if it's been awhile)
4. now that the tank is empty of decor and less should be able to catch your fishes easily.
- be easier if you have a smaller tank that you can house the fish with the filter and heater for now
5. then empty out the rest of the water and find some good friends to help you move the tank.
- most will suggest also the gravel too but i've been okay moving a tank with gravel inside as long as you're not going too far.

to put everything back together..
- i'd put some plastic over your gravel so when you add back in the water, it won't disturb the gravel too much. after it's filled, you can slowly remove the plastic.
- put the decor, filtration and heater back in. make sure water temp is back to normal. and then you can add in the fish.

edit. i misread the 54L as 54 gallons. so 54L is about 14 gallons. if it's a tank that size...i'd remove as much water (leave some again for the fishes) and get a friend to help move the tank to a new stand with everything else in it. and then follow the same steps to add back in the water.

then again...method might be different if you're moving to like a new place..but since it's a new stand..i assume it's in the same general area.

i think that should be the gist of it. hope that helps!
i would do the following:

1. get some plastic totes/bins
2. move most water into one of the totes. you'll want to save some water at least to not re-cycle your tank. leave some water in the tank for now b/c of the fishes
3. move out the decorations if any in the tank(maybe give the a good washing if it's been awhile)
4. now that the tank is empty of decor and less should be able to catch your fishes easily.
- be easier if you have a smaller tank that you can house the fish with the filter and heater for now
5. then empty out the rest of the water and find some good friends to help you move the tank.
- most will suggest also the gravel too but i've been okay moving a tank with gravel inside as long as you're not going too far.

to put everything back together..
- i'd put some plastic over your gravel so when you add back in the water, it won't disturb the gravel too much. after it's filled, you can slowly remove the plastic.
- put the decor, filtration and heater back in. make sure water temp is back to normal. and then you can add in the fish.

edit. i misread the 54L as 54 gallons. so 54L is about 14 gallons. if it's a tank that size...i'd remove as much water (leave some again for the fishes) and get a friend to help move the tank to a new stand with everything else in it. and then follow the same steps to add back in the water.

then again...method might be different if you're moving to like a new place..but since it's a new stand..i assume it's in the same general area.

i think that should be the gist of it. hope that helps!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Yes. If there is more than about an inch of gravel, you may want to remove some of it. Move the tank gently if it isn't completely empty, moving a tank with weight in it can stress the seams (I have never had an issue with this, but better safe than sorry).

How long has the current tank been up? If it has been up for a while, there tends to be a bunch of crud settled into the gravel and it may be a good opportunity to remove and rinse it. In that case, make sure NOT to clean the filter at the same time or you will remove too much of your beneficial bacteria and need to cycle the tank again. You can also take out a few handfuls of gravel prior to rinsing to preserve some bacteria in it.