moving up


Small Fish
Oct 9, 2006
Ok so I have a 12 gallon freshwater unplanted JBJ nan cube. It was my first tank and it has been running 2+ years. Next week a new 34 gallon will be arriving and I'll be moving my platys and barbs to their bigger digs. I have a few questions and I hope you will be so kind as to help me out.
1. should I be saving some of my 12 gallons water to use in the new tank?
2. can I mix my current gravel with the new gravel and when should I do that?
3. if my new tank is stable for a week is that enough to move the fish over?
4. I was going to put my bio balls and ceramic rings from the old tank in to the new- it that a good idea?
Thanks so much!

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Working from the bottom.

4. Yes put the bio balls and ceramic ring in the new tank, it will help immensly.
3. It depends on the readings. With the old tank's bacteria, it won't be a full cycle, but I'm not sure if the tank will be stable enough in a week.
2. Mixing the gravel would be good. But is it the look you want?
1. Using some of the old water won't be much help to condition your old tank. With the filter material and gravel, using all new water would be fine.

Oh yeah, when you transfer the fish, do it slowly. Don't move a whole lot.
Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
It sounds like you need to become familiar with the concept of what a cycled tank is. Check out the link in my signature, that should answer some questions about how to "seed" your new tank so it will be safe for your fish. Read that and post any questions you still have here. :)

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
Visit site
you seem to be headed in the right direction with moving established bacteria colonies to seed your new tank. the bio balls and ceramic ring should be enough, but if you do move the gravel, and it isn't the style you want, you can still do it by putting it into some mesh. that will keep it contained, and still allow for the bacteria to work around the tank. only thing is being careful not to rush the transition, better to take your time and not put the fish into a harmful environment.


Small Fish
Oct 9, 2006
Excellent! I feel much better about the transition now. My fish are very happy in the 12 gallon so no rushing is needed. I can take my time setting up the new tank when it arrives and get it aquascaped etc. I didn't think the new tank would need to fully cycle with the introduction of the bio balls and old substrate (I like that look so I'm doing more of the same) but big shock, I was wrong! Which is why I'm so happy to have this site to turn to! Thakns again!