Hi guys, it's been a while hasn't it?
Well I'm moving, and I've got a problem. I've read all the moving threads (can't even remember where they are now) but I'm still... scared.
I don't want to loose my babies... Err... Angels
I'm scared that the move will stress them, it's not that far of a move (about 10 to 15 min away) but I won't have room for both of my tanks.
I have now, the 30gal in my sig (which hasn't changed at all, no deaths or sadness!) and a 29gal with 10 red-eye tetra.
One of the tanks is going to have to go. I'm sad about this, and I was wondering if there was any way for the two tanks to be combined? See, I have a 55gal that is not set up at all... I was thinking of setting it up (saying that I have everything it needs) and combining the two tanks...
I'm scared to just rush in and do that though... What should I do? I mean, should I set up the 55 over at my new apartment (major downsize from where I am) and start it up with some of the sand/items/filters from my old tanks? Then move everyone to the 55? Will Angels, Loaches, a female betta, a BN plec and a school of red-eye tetra get along?
Do you think everyone will survive? I'd be so upset if I lost Nacht or Tag.... I could deal with some tetra death, but my angels are my babies...
I don't know, I'm kinna here and there right now, I'm stressed about this move and can't keep my thoughts straight... on top of that I just can't sleep.
Do you think I could set up the 55 on Day 1 (first day I can get in the apt) and start moving the fish Day 2? I doubt that... I just don't have another filter to put on the 55 that will start a cycle on that tank. I've got a 70gal filter on my 30 atm (old filter died, upgraded to SUPER FILTER) but my fish can't live without their filter for more than a few hours right?
Oh I don't know, any advice would be great... And I just thought of heaters... Do you think I should buy a new one or use the one for my 30 in conjunction with the crappy 'no temp change' heater I got with my 29?
So many questions... Sorry for the long as heck post and... Hey guys I'm back in the tank!
Well I'm moving, and I've got a problem. I've read all the moving threads (can't even remember where they are now) but I'm still... scared.
I don't want to loose my babies... Err... Angels
I'm scared that the move will stress them, it's not that far of a move (about 10 to 15 min away) but I won't have room for both of my tanks.
I have now, the 30gal in my sig (which hasn't changed at all, no deaths or sadness!) and a 29gal with 10 red-eye tetra.
One of the tanks is going to have to go. I'm sad about this, and I was wondering if there was any way for the two tanks to be combined? See, I have a 55gal that is not set up at all... I was thinking of setting it up (saying that I have everything it needs) and combining the two tanks...
I'm scared to just rush in and do that though... What should I do? I mean, should I set up the 55 over at my new apartment (major downsize from where I am) and start it up with some of the sand/items/filters from my old tanks? Then move everyone to the 55? Will Angels, Loaches, a female betta, a BN plec and a school of red-eye tetra get along?
Do you think everyone will survive? I'd be so upset if I lost Nacht or Tag.... I could deal with some tetra death, but my angels are my babies...
I don't know, I'm kinna here and there right now, I'm stressed about this move and can't keep my thoughts straight... on top of that I just can't sleep.
Do you think I could set up the 55 on Day 1 (first day I can get in the apt) and start moving the fish Day 2? I doubt that... I just don't have another filter to put on the 55 that will start a cycle on that tank. I've got a 70gal filter on my 30 atm (old filter died, upgraded to SUPER FILTER) but my fish can't live without their filter for more than a few hours right?
Oh I don't know, any advice would be great... And I just thought of heaters... Do you think I should buy a new one or use the one for my 30 in conjunction with the crappy 'no temp change' heater I got with my 29?
So many questions... Sorry for the long as heck post and... Hey guys I'm back in the tank!