Moving... What to do?


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
Hi guys, it's been a while hasn't it?

Well I'm moving, and I've got a problem. I've read all the moving threads (can't even remember where they are now) but I'm still... scared.

I don't want to loose my babies... Err... Angels :p
I'm scared that the move will stress them, it's not that far of a move (about 10 to 15 min away) but I won't have room for both of my tanks.

I have now, the 30gal in my sig (which hasn't changed at all, no deaths or sadness!) and a 29gal with 10 red-eye tetra.

One of the tanks is going to have to go. I'm sad about this, and I was wondering if there was any way for the two tanks to be combined? See, I have a 55gal that is not set up at all... I was thinking of setting it up (saying that I have everything it needs) and combining the two tanks...

I'm scared to just rush in and do that though... What should I do? I mean, should I set up the 55 over at my new apartment (major downsize from where I am) and start it up with some of the sand/items/filters from my old tanks? Then move everyone to the 55? Will Angels, Loaches, a female betta, a BN plec and a school of red-eye tetra get along?

Do you think everyone will survive? I'd be so upset if I lost Nacht or Tag.... I could deal with some tetra death, but my angels are my babies...

I don't know, I'm kinna here and there right now, I'm stressed about this move and can't keep my thoughts straight... on top of that I just can't sleep.

Do you think I could set up the 55 on Day 1 (first day I can get in the apt) and start moving the fish Day 2? I doubt that... I just don't have another filter to put on the 55 that will start a cycle on that tank. I've got a 70gal filter on my 30 atm (old filter died, upgraded to SUPER FILTER) but my fish can't live without their filter for more than a few hours right?

Oh I don't know, any advice would be great... And I just thought of heaters... Do you think I should buy a new one or use the one for my 30 in conjunction with the crappy 'no temp change' heater I got with my 29?

So many questions... Sorry for the long as heck post and... Hey guys I'm back in the tank!


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
think the red eyes are a large enough tetra not to be angel snacks, and if they're the only additions I don't see why it wouldn't work. Do you have lots of plants for cover? It could be helpful. You could run out and get some fake val or something.

You move the filters from both tanks about the same time as the fish. As long as you keep the media wet the bacteria will survive up to about four hours, I think, without ammonia. Your fish will survive much longer than that.

Set the tank up on day one. Move the fish, the filters, the ornaments, and at least some of the gravel at about the same time. You may have a bit of an ammonia spike, but really it should be fairly painless.

And yes, I would get a new heater just because you want one rated for the 55, and I wouldn't like a non-adjustable heater either. Never heard of such a thing.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I agree with Homebunny. Your fish should be ok together in one tank. If you have room for the 55 and not the two you have now, then I'd go for the 55. No one can tell you for sure that all of your fish will survive, but the fish are usually pretty resilient as long as you do what you can to minimize the stress. Your fish will be just fine in buckets for quite awhile as long as they're not being jostled too much and its not extremely hot or extremely cold.

You should get a couple of buckets with lids or if you have fish buckets already you can use some plastic wrap or a plastic bag over the top and duct tape it around...splashing fish water in vehicles is not fun. LOL

You don't need to worry about a full blown cycle in the 55 as long as you use your existing filter(s) and you keep that filter media wet and those bacteria alive. Dont make the mistake of throwing away the "dirty water" like if you put your filter cartridges in a bucket or a bag and from all of the jostling there is dirty water when you get to the new place. That "dirty water" is chock full o bacteria and I would put it in the tank or directly back in the filter. If you have room on the 55 to run both filters, I'd do that for awhile, but the one should be fine and it might just cause a bacterial bloom while the filter catches up on the extra bioload from the combined fish.

Moving fishtanks is a royal pain in the butt... Unfortunately I've moved them a lot and I never want to do it again...last time I moved my 55, a 46, two 29s and then actually ended up tearing down but not setting up I think four that I did have set up at the old house.