my friend is moving at the end of next month, he has a 75 gallon with 6 oscars, a bala shark and huge pleco, he has 3 days to move everything, what would be the best way to move his tank and get it set up again for the fish in the short time,
a good way and the only way i can think of is. save as much of the 75 gals water as you can .. i dunno i could mistaken but it makes sense ... save as much of it and add new for the stuff you couldnt carry... it would be just like doing a water change kinda
Hmmm, in my humble opinion, if carrying some of the water is going to be a problem, he would have to give his fish away on this side (friends / lfs) and start over again on the other side. The set-up on the other side would have to be cycled properly before adding any fish, which takes a few weeks (as you know). The fish are unlikely to survive if he puts them in brand new water on the other side.
If he had to move them, I'd get one of those big rubbermail containers and put the fish and water into it. Get a power inverter (one of the ones that plugs into the cigarrette lighter might work - that could power a heater and maybe even a filter if you could figure out some ingenious way to make it work inside the rubbermaid container. That way you could move all the fish and have cycled water to put into the tank when you set it back up.
I have move many times while keeping fish, Only move enough water to take the fish with you if you have 5 gal buckets for the fish great if not GET THEM, MUY IMPORTANTE. If you have rented a large moving truck the best thing is to load the fish tank last and set it up first. As far as the fish are concerned put them in the passenger side floor and keep the heat on mildly and add a thermo to the bucket. Now when you get to your new place get that tank up first and blend the water so it is optimal temp 78 to 80 when it goes into the tank. fill tank add fish with water wala done dont forget declor or salt. This is just a huge water change and the fish should do fine i moved from one side of colorado to the other both ways and never had a fish fatality. Any more questions let me know. Oh Btw the movement from the truck down the road with give the fish enough oxygen because as we all know the oxygen exchange is at a molecular level not at injection level!
an idea is if he or your both go halfs on a new tank get it set up move his fish in to this new tank (say set at you house) moves his tank with out the fish ! then when his is re set up mnove the fish that way he can visit and collect his fish!