Multie Behavior


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
I got my 3 neo. multifasciatus last thursday and there doing great. I just wanted to talk about some of the behavior i've been seeing from these great little fish.

Two of the three of them have laid claim to a couple of shells each and have been busily digging a pit around them, normal behavior right.

Whereas the third one hasn't really tried to claim any shells for itself, it just swims around the whole tank not really being that bothred about getting a home. Also instead of digging a pit around its own shell, it seems to take turns in helping both the others with there pits, but never gets round to doing its own. It has however dug a random pit next to a rock which doesnt seem to serve any purpose.

When i ordered them i did ask for them to try to get me 1 male 2 females, and the one that hasnt got a shell is atleast 1/2 cm bigger than the other 2, so will it maybe be something to do with breeding or something, or is this normal behavior for males?



Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
all sounds within the norm to me. It seems that the males are never as interested in securing there own shell as the females are. They are happy to just duck in what ever is close if any danger comes its way.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
Visit site
Yes, all correct here - the bigger one is the male and he might prefer a place near the rockwork rather than a shell to call his own. Your females are digging away nicely, it all sounds very promosing indeed - less than 2 weeks from your first spawn I would say. If the tank is newly set up then I would recommend that you get some fry food ready. Good luck and enjoy the show. Can we please see pics?! :)

How are they dealing with the shrimp - ignoring them?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
cool thanks taffyfish, i'm glad to here that everything is normal, yes the bigger one does just hang by the rockwork and normally darts into there if he gets scared ( or the closest shell ). Spawning in 2 weeks! wow, i new they were easy to spawn but i wasnt expecting it that quick, i will go get some fry food this weekend.

About the shrimp, i know putting them in there was a risk, and yes the multies do chase them away from their shells, but at the moment its not to bad, and the shrimps are learning that its best just to stay away and only come out when the lights are out. If it gets any worse once they start breeding, i have a friend who has a 10g with just neons and platies and lots of places to hide who will gladly take them from me.

I wish i could get pics up but my stuipid digi-cam decided to break, just my luck, the one time i have something i wanna show you all i cant.:mad: :p