multiple filters?


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
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so i walk into a LFS and got into a deep conversation about fish, and fish care, etc. so filters came up and he said it was better to have more then jus a "power filter", he sugested that i get a fluval 304 for my 46 gal, and a this good? should it be done? or is it jus gonna waste money?


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2005
San Francisco, CA
adding a bio-wheel to a canister filter is pretty common since with a canister you just get chemical and mechanical filtration. the extra bio-wheel gives you wet/dry biological filtration which cultivates those "beneficial" bacteria. but for HOBs for a 46gal I would suggest 2 power filters (one on each side) for better circulation.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Depends on your current filter(s) and the fish load you have, or plan to have.

Some cichlids can be nasty while eating, and all need the best water we can give them. Personaly, I'm rather paranoid about things and tend to over do it. On my 4ft. 75 gallon, I have a Rena XP3 and a Emperor 400. I have the HOB on the left side, the intake for the canister close to the middle, and the return from the canister on the far right side. Also on the 75 under the rockwork I have whats referd to a Under Gravel Jet system. This is just a series of pvc pipe with a pump hooked up on one end to create water current from the bottom, and really does a great job of keeping the sand clean by keeping uneaten food and other debris in the water untill one of the filters can pick it up. On my 3ft 45 gallon, I have a fluval 404 and a tiny HOB to break the water surface to keep the surface film from collecting.

Canister filters have biological filtration as well. Very effecently too.

I don't know if you can run the HOT filters under the tank or not as I've never had one to play with. But you got a good deal on them sounds like, so if I were you I may keep them anyway just for a backup. I would go with a medium sized canister filter, and a medium HOB. Or if you only want to do one filter, you may want to try a medium-large canister.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
Visit site
well i have a power filter on the right side of the tank and a jet on the left side, i was planning on getting a bio wheel, and was thinking of shifting the power filter over and have hte bio wheel to the right of the power is wat im gonna do waste of money, and completly useless? or better for the fish, well spent money?
and if this set up will work should i switch up the order of the filters? and should i add the bio wheel before or after i add fish??
diagram (rough diagram)
J=Jet BW=Bio Wheel PF=Power Filter

get the diagram??

Yours truly,
confused rok :)