
Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I am a murderer. last evening I was rearranging the rocks in my 55 gal brichardi tank. I vacumed the gravel, cleaned the inside walls and did about a 60% water change with pre-treated water (Prime drops, buffer, trace elements). I woke up this morning and i had eight dead fish. i killed eight of my babies. Anything you can do to help so this will never happen again is very much appreciated. Please help!


Atlantic Fish

Sorry to hear that.  What did you use to clean the inside of the tank, any chemicals?  A 60% water change is a lot of water to change a one time. Plus it the water was a diffrent temp you prob frozze or cooked them.... You shouldnt change that much water a one time, if you need to make a drastic water change, do it over a period of a few days. Dont use any household cleaners on the inside of a tank which is currently inhabited, you would only be setting your self up for destruction...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How long had it been between water changes?

60% is an awful lot, especially if a tank had gone without water changes for a long haul. Fish adapt to degrading condtions, doing well in what may be bad water. Then such a large, drastic water change can put them into shock as they are unable to cope with the stress of suddenly new conditions, even if those conditions are ideal for them.

Small volume water changes more offten are the key to keeping water quality stable in any tank.

Oct 22, 2002
  60% is definately too much at one time. I have a 30 gal. tank and change about 3 gallons a week or maybe 6. This is a ten to twenty percent change weekly, and seems to have worked for me the last year or so.

Oct 22, 2002
you said that you rearranged the rocks, every time you do this it will make the fish think it is in a new tank.  this makes the fish very scare in the mine.  60% water change made a big difference in the water temp.  and you add chemicals in the water.  i think that any kind of fish can stand that kind of torture.  the only way to not make this never happen again is for you to dont do it again.