Murky Water...

Apr 7, 2012
I've got 2 razorback turtles and 3 small fish (not sure what kind i'm afraid) and having bought a new tank today, I decided to buy some new sand with it and off the advice of the guy instore bought riverbed sand. I washed the sand through but now the water in the tank is really murky and looks dirty. It's settled quite abit since I put it in but I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me if it will completely settle and how long it may take and if it will be safe to put the turtles and fish back in?



Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; sand with fine particles can take days to settle and then the fine stuff will stir up easily. I rarely use sand anymore, but when I do I dry sift it and discard the fine material. I like the particles to be around bb sized or larger. The turtles should not be bothered too much. Fish in the wild survive very murky and muddy conditionsbut it likely is not the besty for them.
The fine suspended stuff can clog and wear filter parts.