Mushroom meltdown...

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Here is the situation; The other day I noticed one of my small green-stripped mushrooms starting to fall off from the rock... I thought, okay maybe it's just going to reproduce, the next day I notice it turned into a brownish slime and basically turned to mush and I stuppidly blasted it into stringy slime away into the back of the aquarium. Today I wake up and the mushroom that was beside it which had just split the other week into two mushrooms started turning into this same brown slime. This time I sucked up the slime with a syphone out of the tank and part of the mushroom still is there with it's stringy insides showing in the centre. I will see what it looks like tomorrow.

Has anyone seen this before or know what it is? I'm guessing it is some kind of fungus or bacteria that is attacking them but I'm not sure why this just showed up after having them for almost 4 years now.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Dip in Iodine to kill bacterias for 5 mn.

Frag some un-affected parts of the "foot" to save the colony.

After you sucked out the brown jelly aim a medium-strong flow at the sick coral.

That's what i would do.

I have those mush they can take a lot before they all die

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
yEAH I have done a water change and tomorrow I'm going to take down the display tank and really clean everything off syphone the sandbed and change about 75% of the water.

KahluaZzZ, Ya I think I will do that tomorrow when I do the big cleaning.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Well as for the mushrooms after I sucked out the second one the problem seemed to be gone, but I didn't want to take chances so I did the cleaning anyway. I hate disturbing my aquarium like that but I wanted to make sure I got everything clean so I hopefully will not have anymore problems with my mushrooms. It took me a good 5 hours to take down, clean and then rebuild the system... I begain to wonder if I should have done it in the first place! But all turned out good and I actually like the new aquascaping better. I will post some pics soon on my other thread.

I did approx 75% water change, cleaned the glass walls and all powerheads and I am running carbon in the sump.

So dose anyone know for sure what attacked my mushrooms like that? I still haven't been able to identify what ever it was or why it all of a sudden just happend.