Anyone have any info on these guys, other than Planet Catfish? I'm going to call the lfs in the morning to see if they can order one for me. According to PC, they only get about 5" and are peaceful. Just wanted to make sure they weren't tank terrors before I got one
LOL Inspired by that Aquabid ad are we? LOL I think the flash pleco, but then again, I picked that one a while ago for my tank plans, so I may be biast.
Actually I wanted the mustard spot before I saw the aquabid ad, and when I did a google search for them the aquabid ad came up That ones really big though, and kind of dull looking. I bet its pretty old.
I read that too, that's why I'm only planning on getting one or the other. PC said that the Mustard Spots are one of the new wood eating species, although where it says food it says to feed them sinking pellets and worms. Does this mean that they need wood or not? I got a couple of pieces of driftwood for my tank yesterday, but I don't want something that is going to devour it in a matter of minutes!
Both species only get about 5-6", and he is making me a 7", a 5" and a 3". I can't wait!!!!! I figured, since I was ordering from him I might as well get a couple of extras
sounds cool. they look like little bee hives. or huts... or piles of... never mind... but they look awesome. i might look into those. my crays might like them.
He makes a whole bunch of different ones, and you can special order them if you don't find exactly what your looking for. Some of them are listed on Aquabid, that's where I found the one I like.
Wood is a must for the LDA031s and the L204s. The 204s will defend their cave unmercifully to ANY other fish that may dare go in there. So 1 per tank is you best bet, and in your tank no other plecs, if you go with a 204.
Do you think they would be ok with rams or no? I know rams will defend their caves too, so I don't know if the tank is big enough for two bottom dwelling cave protectors
I don't even care about the rams anymore though, I'm so excited about having a cool plec!